The first ever report card on one of Tasmania’s most loved and used waterways, the D’Entrecasteaux Channel and Huon Estuary waterway, will be released on 2nd March 2016. This report card will focus on water quality and sediment health, pollution types and sources, swimming and seafood safety, coastal and marine habitats, and climate.
The Report Card has been prepared by the D’Entrecasteaux and Huon Collaboration in the interest of maintaining the diversity and improving the condition of the waterway.
Over the last year, the team have worked with consultants to bring together information from various scientific monitoring programs to build on the 2012 ‘State of the Waterway’ report, which was prepared for the D’Entrecasteaux Channel and lower Huon Estuary.
“Good water quality is the key to all the recreational, tourist and economic activities that take place in the area”, spokesperson for the Collaboration and NRM South CEO, Donald Coventry, said. “The Report Card provides an updated snapshot of the waterway and is intended to provide both our partners and the broader community with a more regular and transparent reporting framework.”
The Collaboration is also developing practical projects that will improve the condition and health of the waterway and encourage participation in its management. The report card aims to present information of interest and the community are invited to provide feedback via an online survey to ensure the information is presented in the most useful way.
This project is supported through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme, NRM South and the D’Entrecasteaux and Huon Collaboration partners – the Derwent Estuary Program, Huon Aquaculture, Huon Valley and Kingborough Councils, Tassal and TasWater.