The shared-use waterways of the D’Entrecasteaux and Huon host the highest number of recreational fishers and boaters in Tasmania. Our local identity is based on the natural resources and ecosystems that define the waterway. These features include the waterway’s catchment, foreshores, and marine environment. The waterway is prized for its beauty as well as fishing, boating and other recreational and commercial opportunities.
With thriving commercial operators and growing residential development, it is critical that the area’s natural values are managed effectively. Population growth along the coastline reflects its proximity to Hobart, its popularity and increasing employment opportunities in the tourism, shellfish production, and fishing sectors. Tasmania’s biggest finfish farm companies: Huon Aquaculture and Tassal, have multiple farming and processing facilities in the waterways.
Balancing the environmental and economic returns of such a highly valued resource is an ongoing exercise for the local community. While this dialogue has peaked and troughed over the decades, there is a consistent undercurrent of value for the waterway. This is why the Collaboration exists: to facilitate a focus on the common concern of maintaining a healthy waterway that can meet our social demands for a beautiful environmental and a viable local economy.
To find out more about the features of the waterway, select pages from the ‘Our Waterway’ drop down menu.